Join us in the relief efforts for the damage left behind by Hurricane Helene. Click the icon to learn more.
Thank you for stopping by! Here are some ways that you can get connected with URWomen.
Women's Worship and Workout
Thursdays | 6:30pm
Join us in the Ministry Center gymnasium on Thursdays at 6:30pm for worship and workout.
Women's Bible Study - Kingdom Women
Wednesdays | 6:30pm-7:45pm

Join us on Wednesday nights in the Ministry Center for our Women's Bible Study taught by Hope Londeree.
Baby on the Hip
Baby on the Hip is a group where moms with children between the ages of birth-5 years old can be in a community of women who support one another and point each other towards Christ through the journey of motherhood.

Join our BOTH Facebook page to learn more about upcoming events. 

URWomen Calendar

View the calendar below for all of our events that we currently have scheduled.

have a question?

Fill out the form below with any questions that you may have.